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The North Shore AFL-CIO Federation of Labor is a democratically governed federation of nearly 150 local unions, representing 50 national/international unions. Each local has its own distinct membership and unique voice. Our members have come together to build and support the rights of working people. In pursuit of these goals, we also fight to vanquish social and economic injustice. For more information and to affiliate, click here!

The North Shore AFL-CIO Federation of Labor is a democratically governed federation of nearly 150 local unions, representing 50 national/international unions. Each local has its own distinct membership and unique voice. Our members have come together to build and support the rights of working people. In pursuit of these goals, we also fight to vanquish social and economic injustice. For more information and to affiliate, click here!

Join our CLC or Update Your Delegates

Affiliation Form

Delegate Form


Our Affiliated Unions

The nearly 150 unions that make up the North Shore AFL-­CIO Federation of Labor include more than 85,000 working people. Our members come from every walk of life and are what make America great and always have. We build your homes and offices. We get you safely to and from work. We take care of the sick and injured and teach your children. We play the music in your favorite movies and score the touchdowns that help you win your fantasy league.

Monthly Delegate Meeting

Delegate meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Laborers' Local 310 Building, Lower Level Hall, 3250 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115.

Forms for Affiliation

To request an affiliation or delegate/officer update form, use the buttons above or email Brian Pearson at

Allied Groups

Alliance for Retired Americans
Jobs With Justice
Labor Heritage Foundation
Northeast Ohio Workers Center

Constituency Groups

A. Philip Randolph Institute
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees (SOAR)

Affiliated Unions & Organizations

AFGE Local 2823 - VARO
AFGE Local 31 - VA
AFGE Local 3283 Federal Bldg
AFGE Local 3448 - Social Security
AFL-CIO Retirees Council
AFM Local 4
AFSCME Council 8
AFSCME Local 0688 Willowick
AFSCME Local 100 - Cleveland City
AFSCME Local 1043 - Lakewood City
AFSCME Local 1043A Lakewood City
AFSCME Local 1097 Pepper Pike
AFSCME Local 1355 Cuyahoga MHA
AFSCME Local 1617 /Mayfield Hts City
AFSCME Local 1657 Willoughby City Employees
AFSCME Local 1746 Cuyahoga Cty JFS
AFSCME Local 2007 - Bedford City
AFSCME Local 2319 South Euclid City
AFSCME Local 2339 Independence City
AFSCME Local 2509 - Euclid
AFSCME Local 2678 - Tri-C
AFSCME Local 2681B Olmsted Falls City
AFSCME Local 2681C North Olm Transit
AFSCME Local 2681D North Olm. Cty S/M
AFSCME Local 2681E Fairview Pk City
AFSCME Local 27 Cuyahoga County
AFSCME Local 2729 Garfield Hts
AFSCME Local 2798 NEO Reg Sewer Dist
AFSCME Local 2927 Cuy Cty Sheriff Div
AFSCME Local 3058 - Eastlake
AFSCME Local 3218 Brooklyn
AFSCME Local 3360 Metrohealth Med. Center
AFSCME Local 3410 North Royalton City Emp
AFSCME Local 3424 E. Cleveland City
AFSCME Local 3465 Painesville City Emp
AFSCME Local 3557 Seven Hills City Emp
AFSCME Local 3622 Lake Cty General Health
AFSCME Local 3631 Cuyahoga Cty Pub Defend
AFSCME Local 3816 - Bay Village City
AFSCME Local 3816A Bay Village Adm
AFSCME Local 3824 Chardon City Employees
AFSCME Local 3924 Parma City Emp
AFSCME Local 3924A Parma City Police Clerks
AFSCME Local 648 Village of Valley View
AFT Local 1468 - Beachwood Teachers
AFT Local 1699 - Berea Teachers
AFT Local 2371 - Cuyahoga Valley Teachers
AFT Local 279 - CTU
AFT Local 795 - Cleveland Hts. Teachers
APWU Local 72 - Cleveland Postal Workers
ATU Local 268
BCTGM Local 19
BLE&T Div 607
Boilermakers Local 744
California Nurses Association
CARE Local 1975
Cement Masons 404
CWA/AFA Local 24063
CWA / NABET Local 42
CWA District 4
CWA Local 4340
Glass, Molders, Potters 45
Heat & Frost Workers Local 3
IAFF Local 639 - Parma
IAFF Local 1065 - South Euclid
IAFF Local 1141 - Brook Park
IAFF Local 1144 - Bay Village
IAFF Local 1145 Brooklyn
IAFF Local 1267 - North Olmsted
IAFF Local 1497 - Bedford Hts.
IAFF Local 1591 - Warrensville
IAFF Local 1500 Mayfields Hts
IAFF Local 1683 - Bedford
IAFF Local 1690 - Parma Hts.
IAFF Local 1836 - Berea
IAFF Local 2018 - Middleburg Hts
IAFF Local 2291 - Willoughby
IAFF Local 2388 - Beachwood
IAFF Local 2882 - Strongsville
IAFF Local 337 - Euclid
IAFF Local 382 - Lakewood
IAFF Local 402 - Cleveland Hts.
IAFF Local 516 - Shaker Hts.
IAFF Local 659 - Rocky River
IAFF Local 974 - University Hts.
IAFF Local 3646 - Broadview Hts
IAFF North Randall 5365
IAM LL 1363 - Auto Mechanics
IAM LL 1731 - Airlines
IATSE Local 209
IATSE Local 27 - Stage Hands
IATSE Local 600
IATSE Local 756 Treas & Ticket Sellers
IATSE Local 883 - Theatrical Wardrobe
IBEW Local 38
IBEW Local 39
Iron Workers Local 17
Iron Workers Local 851
IUEC Local 17 - Elevator Operators
IUOE Local 18 - Operating Engrs - Lake
IUOE Local 18 -Operating Engrs
IUPAT Glaziers Local 181
IUPAT Painters District Council 6
IUPAT Painters Local 707
IUPAT Sign Painters Local 639
LIUNA Local 310
LIUNA Local 860
NALC - Branch 40
NATCA - Cleveland
NFLl Players Association
OAPSE Local 128
OAPSE Local 160
OAPSE Local 695
OAPSE Northeast District
OCSEA Chapter 1801
OPEIU Local 1794
OPEIU Local 277
OPEIU Local 792
Pipefitters Local 120
Plumbers Local 55
Roofers Local 44
SEIU District 1199
SEIU Local 1
Sheetmetal Workers 33
Teamsters Local 416
Teamsters Local 436
Teamsters Local 507
TWU Local 2019
UFCW Local 880
USW Local 1-00243
USW Local 1033T
USW Local 735 - Amalgamated
USW Local 979
USW Sub-District 1
UWUA Local 270
UWUA Local G555
Workers United