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The North Shore Federation of Labor is the organized voice of 80,000 working people and retirees in Cuyahoga, Lake, and Geauga Counties. Our membership is diverse and includes everyone from teachers, firefighters, and grocery store workers to electricians and aerospace workers. We come together at the North Shore AFL-CIO because we believe in one simple idea: when working people stand together, we can create positive change for everyone.

Our process begins with the Political Director performing a technical review of your application upon submission. The Committee on Political Education (COPE) Scanning Committee will then review your questionnaire. Candidates who are favorably reviewed will have their names brought before the Executive Board. The Federation's Delegates will have the final vote to endorse candidates and ballot measures based on how they will impact not only our unions but all working people. We carefully consider what each candidate and ballot measure will do to make stronger communities, including schools, healthcare, the right to form a union, trade policies, and much more.

We invite all candidates for office to participate in our endorsement process. Under Federation rules, all candidates must submit the appropriate questionnaire to be considered for any endorsement. 


Our deadlines for questionnaire submission and endorsement dates for the 2024 General Election are:

  • Deadline to submit for a possible May 8 endorsement: May 1
  • Deadline to submit for a possible June 12 endorsement: June 5

Please note that a submission prior to a deadline does not necessarily mean that your questionnaire will be reviewed or considered before the endorsement date. Questionnaires are reviewed in the order in which they are received.  


Please select the relevant questionnaire. Save the questionnaire to your computer and re-open before completing. Save the completed questionnaire and submit using the form below.

2024 Non-Judicial Questionnaire + Workers Bill of Rights (fillable) **save to your computer and re-open before completing**

2024 Judicial Questionnaire (fillable)**save to your computer and re-open before completing**


Completed questionnaires can be uploaded below or mailed/delivered to 3250 Euclid Ave. #250, Cleveland, OH 44115. Please do not email your questionnaire to the Federation. For any questions or concerns on this process, please contact Brian Pearson at 216.881.7200 ext. 14 or

Contact Information
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.