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Support Our PAC Fund

The North Shore AFL-CIO PAC is a political action fund made up of voluntary contributions from union members like you, which allow us to advocate for candidates and policies that support good secure jobs; job safety; adequate investments in the areas of education, healthcare, and retirement security; and against job killing proposals like the privatization of government services.An investment in our PAC is an investment in working people.

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Support Our PAC

Every decision affecting your job is made by someone elected or appointed. That is why it is important to elect and support candidates that put working families first, and why it is critical that we have a successful political program at the North Shore Federation of Labor. A donation to our PAC is an investment in working people!


I Will Support Workers and Protect Union Values

It’s a new year and we’re ready to support working people across the country—what about you? We’ll keep sharing ways you can protect union values. Take the pledge now that you’ll continue to take action.

Add Your Name

Protect Immigrant Labor

Across the country, we are seeing a great resurgence in worker organizing. Workers are striking in record numbers and winning uphill battles against corporate giants. To keep this momentum going, we must continue to rise up and demand changes that will lift standards and rights for all workers, with no exclusions. Add your name to ask DHS to protect immigrant workers who take action to make our workplaces safe and fair.

Sign the petition

Use Union Projectionists For Cleveland Film Festival

The men and women who operate the projectors at Playhouse Square are members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 160. They are masters of their profession, and their technical expertise is a point of great personal pride. Although these projectionists expected they would be employed for CIFF (as they are for every PlayhouseSquare event), they were notified that the film festival would be supplying their own, non-union workers to operate the equipment. Sign the petition to join us in calling for the use of union projectionists. 

Sign the Petition