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Bill No.
Modify the law regarding property taxation and income tax ratesTo amend and repeal sections of the Ohio Revised Code to modify the law regarding property taxation and income tax rates. Read LSC AnalysisHB1Oppose
Continue phasing-in the school financing systemTo express the intent of the General Assembly to 1 continue phasing in the school financing system 2 established in H.B. 110 of the 134th General 3 Assembly and, if practicable, fully phase it in. Read LSC AnalysisHB10Support
Establish the Backpack Scholarship ProgramTo amend the Ohio Revised Code to establish the Backpack Scholarship Program to begin operating for the 2023-2024 school year, to repeal the Educational Choice Scholarship Pilot Program and the Pilot Project Scholarship Program on July 1, 2024, and to make an appropriation. SB 11 is the companion bill. Read LSC AnalysisHB11Oppose
Establishes operating appropriations for fiscal years 2024-2025Improves the Fair School Funding Formula. Increases funding for students with disabilities. Also expands the income based EdChoice voucher program by raising eligibility from the current 250% of poverty level to 450%. Read LSC AnalysisHB33Watch Passed 
Reverse H.B. 509/134th GA changes to EMS training, continuing edTo amend the Ohio Revised Code to restore law related to emergency medical services training and continuing education programs and EMS and fire instructor certification, and to amend the versions of the Revised Code that are scheduled to take effect on December 29, 2023, to continue the changes on and after that date, and to declare an emergency. Read LSC AnalysisHB52Support Signed by Governor 4/5/23
Enact the High Hazard Training Certification (HHTC) ActTo amend and revise sections of the Revised Code to enact the Protect Ohio Workers Act regarding construction services performed under a contract at a stationary source.HB205Support 
Make EMS workers "public safety officers" under PERSTo amend section 145.01 and to enact section 145.335 of the Revised Code to make emergency medical services workers "public safety officers" under the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System.HB261Support
Allow employers to post certain labor law notices on the internetTo amend sections of the Revised Code to allow employers to post certain labor law notices on the internet.HB273Watch
Increase certain contributions to Police and Fire Pension FundTo amend section 742.33 of the Revised Code to increase contribution amounts that employers of full-time municipal police officers must make to the Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund.HB296Support
CA: Require 60% vote to approve any constitutional amendmentProposing to amend Sections of the Constitution of the State of Ohio to require a vote of at least 60% of the electors to approve any constitutional amendment and to modify the procedures for an initiative petition proposing a constitutional amendment. Read LSC AnalysisHJR1Oppose
Revise Education Law and Department duties; rename the DepartmentRenames the Department of Education as the Department of Education and Workforce Development (D.E.W.). Transfers most of the powers and duties of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Department of Education and Workforce (DEW). Read LSC AnalysisSB1Oppose
Modify the film and theater tax creditTo amend and enact sections  of the Revised Code to modify the film and theater tax credit and to authorize a tax credit for capital improvement projects relating to the film and theater industries.SB4Suppot
Establish the Workforce Voucher ProgramEstablishes the Workforce Voucher Program, requiring the Director of Development to award vouchers to students at public and private institutions of higher education seeking degrees, certifications, or licenses for in-demand jobs. Read LSC AnalysisSB5Watch
Regards certain public entities' governance policiesTo amend sections and to enact sections of the Revised Code regarding environmental, social, and corporate governance policies with respect to the state retirement systems, Bureau of Workers' Compensation, and state institutions of higher education.SB6Oppose Passed by Senate 5/10/23
Enact the Parent Educational Freedom ActExpands eligibility for Educational Choice scholarships to all students; ceases operation of the Pilot Project (Cleveland) Scholarship Program; increases the amount of homeschooling expenses that a taxpayer can claim as an income tax credit each from, from $250 to $2000. HB 11 is the companion bill. Read LSC AnalysisSB11Oppose
Expand veteran eligibility to teach without licensePermits a school district, community school, or STEM school to employ an eligible veteran who does not hold an educator license as a teacher; establishes related service, educational, registration, and mentorship requirements that a veteran must meet in order to be employed as a teacher. Read LSC AnalysisSB14Watch
Allow person under 16 to work after 7 p.m. during the school yearTo amend the Ohio Revised Code to allow a person under sixteen years of age to be employed after 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. during the school year and to require a parent or guardian to sign a work hour notification form for a minor to receive an age and schooling certificate. Read LSC AnalysisSB30Watch Passed Senate 3/8/23
Prohibit public employer granting paid leave-certain activitiesTo enact section 4117.091 of the Revised Code to prohibit a public employer from providing paid leave or compensation for a public employee to engage in certain union activities. Analysis UnavailableSB47Oppose
Enact Ohio Higher Education Enhancement ActTo amend and enact sections of the Revised Code to enact the Ohio Higher Education Enhancement Act regarding the operation of state institutions of higher education. Includes language that would prohibit "employees of any state institution of higher education" from going on strike. Read LSC AnalysisSB83Oppose Passed Senate 5/17/23
Expand offense of aggravated menacing for utility workersTo amend section 2903.21 of the Revised Code to expand the offense of aggravated menacing to prohibit threatening a utility worker, cable operator worker, or broadband worker with intent to obstruct the operation of a utility.SB88Support
Revise Ohio's Unemployment Compensation LawTo amend and enact sections of the Revised Code to make changes to Ohio's Unemployment Compensation Law. SB116Oppose


Social Security Fairness Act of 2023The bill repeals provisions that reduce Social Security benefits for individuals who receive other benefits, such as a pension from state or local government. Government Pension Offset (GPO)/Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)HB82SUPPORT
Pandemic is Over ActTerminates the public health emergency declared with respect to COVID-19. Read Full AnalysisHB382OPPOSE Passed by House 1/31/23 
POWER Act Protect Our Workers from Exploitation and Retaliation ActTo protect victims of crime or serious labor violations from removal during Department of Homeland Security enforcement actions, and for other purposes.HB1828SUPPORT
Water Quality Certification and Energy Project Improvement Act of 2023 TAPP American Resources Act Transparency, Accountability, Permitting, and Production of American Resources Act Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2023To provide for a responsible increase to the debt ceiling, and for other purposes.HB2811WATCH Passed by House 4/26/23
Child Labor Exploitation Accountability ActTo ensure that contractors of the Department of Agriculture comply with certain labor laws, and for other purposes.HB2822SUPPORT
Combating Child Labor ActTo amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to increase criminal and civil penalties related to child labor, to require the Secretary of Labor to annually report to Congress on child labor violations, and for other purposes.HB2956SUPPORT
CARE Act of 2023 Children’s Act for Responsible Employment and Farm Safety of 2023To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to strengthen the provisions relating to child labor, and for other purposes.HB4046SUPPORT
Raise the Wage Act of 2023To provide for increases in the Federal minimum wage, and for other purposes.HB4889SUPPORT
Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2023A bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act, the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947, and the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, and for other purposes.SB567SUPPORT
Child Labor Exploitation Accountability ActA bill to ensure that contractors of the Department of Agriculture comply with certain labor laws, and for other purposes.SB1288SUPPORT
Veterans' Health Empowerment, Access, Leadership, and Transparency for our Heroes (HEALTH) Act of 2023A bill to improve the provision of care and services under the Veterans Community Care Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes.SB1315SUPPORT
Raise the Wage Act of 2023A bill to provide for increases in the Federal minimum wage, and for other purposes.SB2488SUPPORT
Bill No.
Pertaining to Community Benefit AgreementsTo supplement the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, by enacting new Chapter 191A, Sections 191A.01 through 191A.07, related to Community Benefits Agreements. [Read the Ordinance]CLEVELAND: Ord. No. 297-2023Passed 6/5/23
Glacier Northwest, Inc., v. International Brotherhood of TeamstersA case on whether employers can sue unions for damage to property caused during strike action. Supreme Court ruled against the unions 8-1.

Read the Opinion





HB 458 Legislative Fact Sheet (voter photo I.D.U.S. law, Effective 4/7/23)

HB 458 Final Analysis (Ohio Legislative Service Commission)

HR 1065 Legislative Fact Sheet (Pregnant Worker Fairness Act, Effective 6/27/23)


UPDATED 11/9/2023