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REI Union Day of Action

April 05, 2025
12:00PM - 1:00PM

REI Cleveland • 411 Park Ave, Beachwood, OH 44122 US

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The REI board is out of control – from illegally union busting, to supporting Trump’s environmental agenda, it’s clear that REI has abandoned their own co-op values. The REI Union is urging REI members to VOTE NO! Voting officially began on March 3rd – make your voice heard! You can use this link to submit your vote against REI’s handpicked candidates: (In order to be eligible to vote, you must be an REI member in good standing by having spent at least $10 in the last year or having become a new member in 2024.)

On Saturday, April 5th, as part of a national Co-op Day of Action, we’ll be talking to fellow co-op members about the board election and why they should join us in voting NO... and we need YOUR help! Can you join us to flyer outside our local REI?