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Issue Based Organizing: Winning Using Worker Action Campaigns

March 06, 2025
2:00PM - 4:30PM


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The AFL-CIO Organizing Institute (OI) is excited to announce the upcoming OI Virtual Organizing Training! The training will take place Thursday, March 6th from 2pm to 4:30pm EST. Registration will open at 12 noon EST on Monday, February 10th, 2025.

This online virtual training is designed to provide organizers with the tools to empower working people to WIN respect and dignity on the job.

This training is open to ALL national & local AFL-CIO affiliated unions. Register your members & staff organizers to attend this organizing training to gain valuable tools for your current & next union organizing campaign! We also encourage you to ID and register member activists who identify as women and activists of color.

Training Summary

In our one-on-one organizing conversations, we focus on identifying workers' issues and translating those issues into action. When developing issue campaigns, we apply the same principles on a larger scale. Through our one-on-ones, we identify these issues, then select the most prevalent ones to develop a campaign aimed at mobilizing workers.

By engaging workers in a campaign centered around specific issues, we teach them about the power of the union. Issue campaigns serve as mini-campaigns within the workplace, building and reinforcing support for the union.

In any organizing campaign, certain components are essential for success. This training will focus on the process organizers use to plan and execute effective issue campaigns that mobilize workers and strengthen the union in the workplace. An interactive component will allow participants to work in groups to develop their own scenario-based issue campaign plans.