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The North Shore Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, is the organized voice for 85,000 working people from nearly 150 local unions in Cuyahoga, Lake, and Geauga counties. By joining together across sectors and industries, we can achieve economic stability, family-sustaining wages, and a brighter future for everyone.


Ohio Statehouse

SB 1: The Worst Attack on Working People Since SB 5

Senate Bill 1 has passed the Ohio Senate and will now head to the House. Senate Bill 1 is the worst attack on collective bargaining rights since Senate Bill 5, the unfair, unsafe law in 2011 that would have hurt us all.

SB 1 attacks workers' rights by limiting what can be collectively bargained in a contract and banning strikes for faculty. We know from past attacks that anti-worker politicians love to carve out groups of workers and curtail their rights, before eventually expanding that attack to all workers. If this bill passes, every public sector union member – including teachers, library workers, and children’s services social workers – in Ohio should be prepared for similar attacks on their union rights.